Be Bold, Be Fun, Be Free
Our Eco Safari Tent Lodges is designed to captivate new customers with its impressive and luxurious appearance, while also boosting your occupancy levels. It offers one of the fastest returns on investment in the glamping market. Unlike the average business, which typically sees profit after three years, our products can deliver profitability in under 24 months. Here are some key industry insights:
Safari Tent Lodges

Long-lasting materials
Constructed to last the test of time
Constructed to last the test of time, an innovative, robust semi-permanant design which can be packed down just as easily as it can be erected.
Innovative sustainably sourced materials
Sustainably sourced materials
15 year warranty.
Backed by our 15 year warranty.

Unique Design
Bold, luxurious design
Our Tent Lodge features a steel frame wrapped in insulated 70mm modular panels.
Extra strength and durability
With smooth edges and a bold, luxurious design, it stands apart from typical lodges or containers.
Natural light, creating a cozy yet spacious feel
The unique structure lets in plenty of natural light, creating a cozy yet spacious feel, while our specialized bolting system adds extra strength and durability.

A lodge without the price tag!
Enjoy all the luxury of a high-end lodge
Our Eco-Lodge is a temporary structure that can be assembled in just one day. Why spend around £140k on a typical permanent lodge when you can have one of our unique Village Lodges?
Investment that delivers exceptional value.
Complete with a bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom, it’s a one-of-a-kind investment that delivers exceptional value.
Comfort is a must
Our Eco Safari Tent Lodges sleep up to 12 people, complete with two bathrooms, three double bedrooms, a fully fitted kitchen, and real windows. Instead of traditional bricks and mortar, we use an eco-friendly integrated canvas wall paneling system for a luxurious yet sustainable experience.
Safari Tent Lodges
“We love luxury outdoor living. Times have changed, hotels are boring.
We understand what the real outdoor experience should consist of.
So we created the Bell Tent Village Eco-Lodge
My name is Levi, I'm a crazy outdoor enthusiast creating outdoor living structures. You may catch me out in the field somewhere. Me, my tent and a vibe.
Levi Lowther